Catholic Schools Continue Long-Time Partnerships with VHS Learning to Give Students Hundreds of Course Options

U.S. Catholic schools have renewed their partnerships with VHS Learning to provide their students with continued access to high-quality, teacher-led online classes.

Boston – Aug. 16, 2023 – U.S. Catholic schools have renewed their partnerships with VHS Learning to provide their students with continued access to high-quality, teacher-led online classes. Through these partnerships, many of which began 10 to 25 years ago, Catholic high schools are expanding their curricula and providing students with collaborative, engaging learning opportunities.

Catholic schools that have extended their long-time partnerships with VHS Learning for the 2023-24 school year, include:

  • Pope Francis Preparatory School in Springfield, Mass., began its partnership with VHS Learning 10 years ago.
  • Immaculate High School in Danbury, Conn.; Lowell Catholic High School in Lowell, Mass.; and Nativity B.V.M. High School in Pottsville, Pa., launched their partnerships with VHS Learning 15 years ago.
  • Saint Paul Diocesan Jr. Sr. High School in Worcester, Mass., and Berks Catholic High School in Reading, Pa., started with VHS Learning 20 years ago.
  • Bishop Fenwick High School in Peabody, Mass., first partnered with VHS Learning 25 years ago.

“These long-time partnerships speak volumes about the relationships VHS Learning forms with Catholic schools and students,” said President & CEO of VHS Learning Carol DeFuria. “We value each of our partner schools and are thrilled to help them expand their curriculum and give their students extensive course options that rival those found at public schools, all without sacrificing quality. Working together, we help Catholic schools resolve scheduling issues, combat teacher shortages, and stay competitive.”

VHS Learning collaborates with schools of all types — urban, rural, public, private, and parochial — to expand their programs of study and offer instructor-led courses that might not otherwise be available locally. The accredited high school program features small class sizes, certified teachers, interactive learning, and flexible scheduling, with coursework that is available anywhere students have internet access. Adding VHS Learning courses is quick and easy, as VHS Learning provides the course instructors and curriculum, as well as its team of helpful online learning experts. Schools work with their students to schedule VHS Learning courses into their standard school day, just like any other course offered at the school.

About VHS Learning

VHS Learning is a nonprofit organization with over 27 years of experience providing world-class online programs to students and schools everywhere. More than 600 schools around the world take advantage of VHS Learning’s 300+ online high school courses — including 29 AP® courses, credit recovery, and enrichment courses — to expand their programs of study. VHS Learning is accredited by Middle States Association Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS), and Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC). Courses are approved for initial eligibility by NCAA. For more information about VHS Learning please visit  and follow on Twitter at @VHSLearning.

Media Contact:

Charlotte Andrist
Nickel Communications
Media Inquiries Only: 770-310-5244

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