Enterprise Reporting Grants up to $15K
McGraw Fellowship via the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism
McGraw Fellowship via the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism
Do you – or a reporter you know – have a great idea for a high-impact education story that “Follows the Money,” but few resources to get it done? If so, check out the McGraw Fellowship for Business Journalism, an initiative of the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY.
Applications are now open for the Fall 2022 McGraw Fellowships. The Fellowships, awarded twice a year, provide experienced journalists with up to $15K and the editorial support needed to produce deeply-reported stories that delve into critical economic, financial or business issues. Previous McGraw Fellows have explored a wide array of topics – and you don’t need to be a business reporter to apply. Many have been generalists, or follow education, the environment, or other beats. Others focus on economic justice or corporate accountability. Both freelance and staff journalists in all forms of media with at least five years’ professional experience are eligible. Journalists of color and journalists from diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply.
The upcoming deadline to apply for Fall 2022 Fellowships is September 30, 2022. Spring 2023 applications will be due March 31, 2023.
What kind of stories do we support? Here are some examples of our previous Fellows’ work:
If you’d like to join them, you’ll find more information, an FAQ and an application at bit.ly/McGrawFellows. If you have questions or a project you’d like to discuss, please contact us at mcgrawcenter@journalism.cuny.edu.
The Harold W. McGraw, Jr. Center for Business Journalism was established at the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY in January 2014 with the goal of enhancing the quality and depth of business and economic news coverage. In addition to providing funding and editorial support for veteran journalists, the Center offers training and scholarships for young reporters entering the field.
Jane Sasseen
Executive Director
McGraw Center for Business Journalism
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