EPS Learning Advances PreK-12 Literacy Launching AI-Powered Reading Assistant
New solution engages striving readers with personalized interventions, 1:1 reading practice and delivers real-time performance data for teachers.
New solution engages striving readers with personalized interventions, 1:1 reading practice and delivers real-time performance data for teachers.
NASHUA, NH. (February 28, 2024) – EPS Learning, the leading provider of PreK-12 literacy solutions, continues to drive the market forward with the announcement of its new AI-powered EPS Reading Assistant. Designed specifically to engage and support striving readers, the assistant utilizes advanced speech recognition and AI software to listen to students read, provide real-time personalized interventions, and streamline oral fluency assessments for educators. EPS Reading Assistant, coupled with other EPS solutions like S.P.I.R.E. (used in 20% of districts nationwide), will accelerate student growth toward grade-level literacy performance.
“EPS Learning offers a unique, comprehensive literacy framework that blends established print interventions with modern technology, enabling teachers to address the diverse needs of every student and navigate the complexities of today’s classrooms,” said Steven Guttentag, CEO of EPS Learning. “The EPS Reading Assistant enables 1:1 reading practice, addressing the logistical challenge of high student-to-teacher ratios, and equips educators with actionable student performance data. This innovation allows teachers to spend less time assessing and more time coaching individual students.”
Seamlessly integrating with classroom routines, EPS Reading Assistant utilizes adaptive reading practice modules, and listens as students read out loud, assessing their pronunciations, providing suggestions, and instantly recording where additional support is recommended. In turn, teachers are provided dashboards showing student progress and guiding them to where their support will matter most.
The EPS Reading Assistant makes it simple for any teacher or paraprofessional to deliver a highly effective literacy intervention program while increasing sustainability by utilizing technology to decrease the requirement for rigorous in-person training. The advantages for educators include:
“EPS Reading Assistant provides a simple and sustainable solution for educators,” said Janine Walker-Caffrey, Chief Academic Officer of EPS Learning. “It allows them to reclaim precious instructional time by eliminating the need for one-to-one assessments, while providing detailed diagnostic information that is so critical for foundational literacy instruction. While educators are working with small groups in targeted instruction, other students can engage in deliberate practice and continue their progress with EPS Reading Assistant’s AI tutor. This maximizes every minute of reading instruction for every student. With its ease of use, EPS Reading Assistant can be implemented by every educator, including new teachers and paraprofessionals. It is a transformative tool in today’s literacy classroom.”
To learn more about the EPS Reading Assistant, please visit www.epslearning.com/products/eps-reading-assistant.
About EPS Learning
EPS Learning has partnered with educators for more than 70 years to advance literacy as the springboard for lifelong learning and opportunity. The 20+ literacy solutions included in the EPS Literacy Framework are based on the science of reading and support grades PreK through 12, all tiers of instruction, and every pillar of reading. EPS Learning offers evidence-based intervention and customized professional learning to help move students toward growth, mastery, and success. Visit www.epslearning.com to learn more.
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