USPTO Launches Free Invention Education Platform
EquIP HQ’ offers free, standards-aligned lesson plans to introduce invention and creative works to K–12 teachers and students.
EquIP HQ’ offers free, standards-aligned lesson plans to introduce invention and creative works to K–12 teachers and students.
ROCHESTER, NY (Dec. 6, 2022) – The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has announced the launch of the free, invention education resource, EquIP HQ. EquIP HQ is a contracted effort created and maintained by Second Avenue Learning. The site is available for grade bands K–2, 3–5, 6–8 and 9–12. The platform provides educators with access to free tools to teach students real-world skills and intellectual property (IP) literacy.
EquIP HQ enables students to personalize exploration of solving real-world problems through innovative design, prototypes and iterative tests and improvements towards real, inventive solutions. When invention education is implemented at a large scale, it intends to significantly reduce barriers to both STEM and STEAM education for students across the country.
“I teach a course in entrepreneurship, and I’ve been wanting to take it to the next level with intellectual property,” said Brian, a twelfth-grade teacher in Western New York. “EquIP HQ activities and resources will enable me to do that.”
EquIP HQ introduces new entry points and pathways to inventing. The platform’s ready-made lesson plans and materials are thoughtfully crafted to inspire student choice. Activities encourage students to identify real challenges that are relevant and meaningful to them.
“EquIP HQ will allow for authentic, real-world opportunities for students,” said Victoria VanHoorhis, CEO of Second Avenue Learning, “Sometimes we call them problems. Sometimes we call them challenges. They’re really opportunities for students and kids of all ages to realize the inventor that exists within every one of us.”
EquIP HQ aims to reach all students—especially those who may be underrepresented or under-resourced—to inspire a new generation of contributors of society that improve modern inventions through diversity in perspectives and ideas.
To learn more about EquIP HQ’s platform available now for K–12 students, visit https://www.equiphq.org.
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