Philosophy Comes to High Schools Around the US
The Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) is expanding its elementary school philosophers-in-residence program to three high schools, in Boston, Philadelphia, and Seattle.
The Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) is expanding its elementary school philosophers-in-residence program to three high schools, in Boston, Philadelphia, and Seattle.
Contact: Jana Mohr Lone, Executive Director
Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization
This month the Philosophy Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO) is expanding its elementary school philosophers-in-residence program to three high schools, in Boston, Philadelphia, and Seattle. This expansion is possible thanks to a $60,000 grant from The Whiting Foundation.
PLATO is a growing national organization that nurtures young people’s curiosity, critical thinking, and desire to explore big questions through philosophy and ethics programs for students from preschool to high school, as well as for educators and families.
Students consider such questions as: What makes someone a friend? What is the difference between knowing and believing? Do we have obligations to animals? What is justice?
The philosophers-in-residence in each school support current programs and introduce new ones, interacting with students, teachers, administrators, and family members to build a culture rich in philosophy and the humanities.
In January 2022, PLATO merged with the Center for Philosophy for Children, which had been part of the University of Washington. The new, larger PLATO serves thousands of students, teachers, and community members nationally and internationally, through online and in-person programs that foster tolerance of diverse viewpoints, communication skills, and analytic reasoning.
To sign up for PLATO’s press list, please send your email address to info@plato-philosophy.org.
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