The Learning Accelerator Launches New Podcast Series on Exemplary Virtual and Hybrid Schools
[Dec. 12, 2022] A national education nonprofit has launched a new podcast series, Beyond Brick and Mortar, diving into conversations with leaders of established virtual and hybrid learning programs to share their perspectives on what made their programs a success. Educators and leaders interested in exploring how virtual learning can help all students receive an engaging and equitable education will find the series helpful in their practice.
The series’ first episode highlights a conversation with the head of Laurel Springs School — an online school for K-12 students whose schedules and needs might not align with traditional seat time requirements — about personalization in a fully asynchronous model and how school leaders developed engagement and community amongst students, families, and school staff.
“When you start realizing that kids can work at their own pace, in their own space, and they’re not bound to seven-and-a-half hours a day, Monday to Friday, and now have seven days a week, 24 hours a day … it really opens things up, and I think during COVID that’s what people began to realize — the power of the self-paced model.” — Megan Palevich, Head of School, Laurel Springs School
The series will feature additional episodes with leaders of standout virtual and hybrid learning programs sharing with the field what innovative practices and strategies work for their schools.
The Learning Accelerator (TLA) is a national nonprofit working to make the ‘potential’ possible and practical for every teacher and learner. TLA envisions a future in which each student receives an effective, equitable, and engaging education that supports them to reach their full and unique potential. Our mission is to connect teachers and leaders with the knowledge, tools, and networks they need to transform K-12 education. Learn more at
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