VHS Learning Student Pass Rates on Advanced Placement® Exams Once Again Exceed National Averages
Media Contact: Charlotte Andrist
Nickel Communications
Media Inquiries Only: 770-310-5244
Boston – Dec. 13, 2022 – VHS Learning students surpassed national average pass rates on their Advanced Placement (AP)® exams during the 2021-22 academic year, marking more than a decade of high achievement. VHS Learning has offered AP® courses online for the past 19 years, and it currently has a selection of 26 AP® courses available.
A score of 3 or higher on an AP® exam is considered eligibility for AP® college credit at many universities. In AP® English Literature and Composition, 93% of VHS Learning students passed their exam in 2021-22, compared to the national average of 78%. In AP® Environmental Science, 76% of VHS Learning students passed, compared to the national average of only 54%. The largest difference was in AP® World History with 93% of VHS Learning students passing their exam, compared to the national average of 62%.
VHS Learning’s online AP® courses give high schools the ability to easily expand their offerings, and they give students the opportunity to take courses otherwise not available to them. The high-quality, teacher-led online courses can be taken as part of a student’s school day at their local school, or from home. All students need is internet access and the motivation to succeed.
In addition, VHS Learning now offers a selection of flexibly paced AP® courses that start on a weekly rolling schedule. Schools can use these courses to provide students with additional options to help meet scheduling challenges. Students can register for Flexible courses anytime and begin their course on Monday of each week through December. All students then complete the course by June 15.
“High quality curriculum, small class sizes, and certified teachers, as well as highly motivated students, lead to success in our AP® courses. We are very proud of their hard work and the results they have achieved in our college-level program,” said Carol DeFuria, President & CEO of VHS Learning.
About VHS Learning
VHS Learning is a nonprofit organization with over 26 years of experience providing world-class online programs to students and schools everywhere. Offering more than 300 unique online courses for high school credit, including 26 AP® courses, credit recovery, and enrichment courses, VHS Learning is accredited by Middle States Association Commission on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS), Accrediting Commission for Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (ACS WASC), and Cognia. Courses are approved for initial eligibility by NCAA. For more information about VHS Learning please visit https://www.vhslearning.org/ and follow on Twitter at @VHSLearning.
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