Video: Telling the Story Using SREB Data

Southern Regional Education Board shares a webinar recording called “Telling the Story Using SREB Data: An Overview of SREB Teacher Workforce Resources.”


Did you miss our webinar, “Telling the Story Using SREB Data: An Overview of SREB Teacher Workforce Resources” with the Southern Regional Education Board’s Stephen Pruitt, Megan Boren and Dale Winkler?  

Not a problem! Just Click here to view the full recording. You also can download the presentation slides here.  Please pass these along to colleagues who may be interested. 

SREB will be closed for winter break Dec. 11- Jan. 1. Feel free to contact us early next year to schedule an interview or for more tips on how to gather information from our regularly-updated Teacher Compensation Dashboard and other databases on our website.

Happy Holidays!

Janita Poe, News Manager
404-879-5516 (office)

The Southern Regional Education Board works with states, districts and schools to improve education at every level, from early childhood through doctoral education and the workforce. An interstate compact and a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization based in Atlanta, SREB was created in 1948 by Southern governors and legislators to advance education and improve the social and economic life of the region.

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