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Dropping out of college is not for the fiscally faint of heart, but withdrawing from higher ed without a degree still seems to offer a competitive advantage ove...
New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman doesn’t write about education, as such. He writes about power and about changes on a global level...
While Silicon Valley is world-renowned for its innovative high-tech industry, a new report says that only 20 percent of Latino students in the region are gradua...
While it’s become a common refrain for students, teachers and parents to complain that too much time is spent preparing for – and administering – standard...
Harvard University students have gathered 1,200 signatures protesting the John F. Kennedy School of Government’s approval of a dissertation asserting that Lat...
At EWA’s National Seminar at Stanford University on May 2, a panel that included an investigative reporter, an academic and an advocate looked at the issue of...
The American Educational Research Association (AERA) held its annual meeting in San Francisco last week, and I asked The Hechinger Report’s Jon Marcus to shar...
It’s a myth that “bullying” at schools is a worse problem today than in the past, according to a task force report released on April 30 commissioned by t...