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The impending closure of the National Hispanic University in San Jose, California, was sad news to many...
A decade ago in Las Vegas – where I spent eight years as an education beat reporter – the school district was a boom town of soaring student enrollment, bre...
This week in Tennessee’s Music City, journalists were urged to hold the line—as “the referee and truth teller in this fight we are having in education”...
A survey of Latino residents in Montgomery County, Maryland, reveals their attitudes toward education...
Kristen DiCerbo of GlassLab/Pearson, talks about using digital tools to build better assessments....
A report by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights finds that a Colorado school district created a hostile environment for Hispanic and Sp...
Marking the 60th anniversary of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision Brown v Board of Education, the UCLA’s Civil Rights Project/Proyecto Derechos Civiles...
PISA was created by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to provide a comparable measure of public education systems around the glob...
There’s a clear link between effective campus leadership and effective teaching. But it’s one that doesn’t get explored often in education reporting....