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Looking to liven up your coverage of classroom technology and how it’s playing out in your local schools?

Arianna Prothero discusses Education Week’s eight-month investigation of online charter schools, including how some companies aggressively lobby states to craft regulations that allow them to flourish despite spotty records on student achievement

Benjamin Herold of Education Week discusses why media literacy is in the spotlight in the wake of the presidential election

Should schools measure skills like cooperation, communication, self-confidence and the ability to organize?

Katrina Schwartz of KQED Public Radio in San Francisco joins the 100th episode of EWA Radio to discuss the growing interest in student-centered learning and personalized instruction

Get ready. A fresh wave of global test results for dozens of nations is about to hit U.S. shores. Outcomes from two major exams will be issued just days apart: TIMSS on Nov. 29. PISA on Dec. 6.
