What Students With Dyslexia Need — But Aren’t Getting — From Schools
EWA Radio: Episode 143
EWA Radio: Episode 143
A new radio documentary by APM Reports concludes that American schools are failing to use proven methods for helping dyslexic students learn to read — techniques that could also benefit their classmates. Emily Hanford, a correspondent and senior producer for APM Reports, discusses why school districts are often resistant to identifying students as dyslexic, and how long-standing debates over how best to teach reading have kept some schools from adopting best practices. Why aren’t more colleges of education following recommendations to improve how they prepare teachers to teach reading to all children? How has the cost of identifying, and then supporting, students with dyslexia created an equity gap in access to appropriate services? How does parent advocacy fit into the picture? What questions should reporters ask when reporting on these issues in their communities?
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