When Private Schools Get Public Money
A surge in school voucher programs in Ohio is part of the continuing effect of the pandemic on public education, reports ProPublica’s Alec MacGillis (EWA Radio 339)
Photo credit: monkeybusinessimages/Bigstock
A surge in school voucher programs in Ohio is part of the continuing effect of the pandemic on public education, reports ProPublica’s Alec MacGillis (EWA Radio 339)
Photo credit: monkeybusinessimages/Bigstock
For a reporter who is not officially on the education beat, Alec MacGillis of ProPublica finds plenty to keep him busy, going deep into stories about how the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be felt in all aspects of lives of students and their school communities.
He joins EWA Radio to discuss his two newest pieces: a close look at a private company providing outreach services tracking down absent students in the hard-hit school systems of Detroit’s outer suburbs, and how private and parochial schools are cashing in on the funding bonanza of new and expanded school voucher programs that open the door to every student – regardless of family income.
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