When Students Talk Back, These Teachers Listen
EWA Radio: Episode 139
EWA Radio: Episode 139
What do teachers learn from their most challenging students – the interrupters, the ones who push back or whose difficult home lives spill over into the classroom? Sarah Carr, the editor of The Teacher Project at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, discusses a new podcast partnership with The Atlantic, featuring candid conversations with educators and students, as each recall pivotal moments in their relationships. Carr, a veteran journalist, discusses how the “What My Students Taught Me” podcast came to fruition, the important role teacher and student voices play in daily schools reporting, and why the episodes are resonating with both educators and a wider public. Also, Zoe Kirsch, a reporting fellow with The Teacher Project, shares tips for journalists interested in exploring an audio interview format, and how patience pays off in building trust with younger sources.
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