When Teachers Say ‘#MeToo’
Sexual harassment, school climate in the spotlight
Sexual harassment, school climate in the spotlight
As a growing number of high-profile men in politics, the media, and entertainment industry face allegations of sexual misconduct, individuals who say they’ve experienced similar harassment in other professions are speaking up — including K-12 teachers.
Using the “#MeToo” hashtag, some teachers are sharing their personal experiences via social media, and calling for district leaders to address what they claim are biased school climates that could harm students, as well. Evie Blad of Education Week is following this growing trend. She shares insights into why schools can be ripe territory for sexual harassment, and what experts say needs to be done to reduce the risks. How do these teachers’ experiences fit into broader conversations about school climate? What are some ways education reporters can use public records to monitor complaints about harassment, as well as possible Title IX violations at schools? And how is U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos responding to a rising tide of complaints that schools aren’t safe-enough spaces for students and staff?
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