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Go beyond what’s on the academic calendar when covering higher ed, journalist Michael Vasquez urges. (EWA Radio 347)

In this webinar recording, get tips to report on the Biden administration’s updated Title IX regulations, and understand how the rules affect LGBTQ+ students. Plus, learn how out-of-school time fits in.

Talia Richman explains how she approaches covering education in Texas, the state she grew up in. (EWA Radio 346)

Descendants of a once up and coming Black community in Virginia are still affected by the government officials who abused eminent domain to remove their families and build a university. (EWA Radio 345)

EWA helped new attendees navigate the 77th EWA National Seminar before the conference in Las Vegas.

Kyra Miles is pioneering an early childhood education beat at Minnesota Public Radio after the topic received little past coverage. She explains how she’s informing the public and details ECE issues and solutions in Minnesota. (EWA Radio 344)
