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Rural Black students are often the first generation to get through both high school and college. On the other hand, some are from multigenerational farming families and are considered more fortunate than others. Learn about the unique challenges these students face navigating higher education. (EWA Radio 333)

Previous EWA Awards winners provide reporters with practical tips for entering the National Awards for Education Reporting.

From economist Milton Friedman to school voucher program advocate Polly Williams, Cara Fitzpatrick’s deep dive into school choice began years ago in Florida. She shares the backstory, her new book’s findings and reporting tips. (EWA Radio 332)

Adam Echelman of CalMatters shares insights after reporting on competency-based education in California. The experimental education model allows community colleges to evaluate students for degrees based on successfully demonstrating skills, not time spent in class. (EWA Radio 331)

Recent media coverage focuses on the science of reading, but what about the sound of reading? Learn how music training can translate into an academic boost in our webinar recording.

Federal funding that kept child care centers operating amid threats from COVID expired in September. Here’s what reporters should know to cover the ramifications.
