Educated Reporter

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Educated Reporter

The phrase “Common Core test” turns out to encompass far more than most people realize....
Most students don’t study using methods backed by scientific research, panelists at the Education Writers Association’s deep dive on the science of learning...
Back in December, reporter Lauren Foreman of the Bakersfield Californian sent an email titled “Banned from classrooms” to a group of education journalists....
American eighth-graders continue to demonstrate lackluster knowledge and skills when asked basic questions about U.S. history, geography, and civics, with betwe...
For teacher Merlinda Maldonado’s sixth graders at Hill Middle School in Denver, it’s not necessarily about getting the answer right...
U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan subjected himself to what might have been the ultimate edu-press conference in Chicago Tuesday....
A New Jersey school district was all set this week to begin testing students using a brand-new online assessment aligned to the Common Core State Standards....
At schools around the globe, girls outscore boys, and bored students are better test-takers than their more motivated peers....