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The nation’s public schools are serving increasingly diverse populations of students, yet the teachers in those schools are mostly white....
Days after Donald Trump won the White House, the Brookings Institution published an essay suggesting the 2016 presidential election should serve as a “Sputnik...
When it comes to their children’s education, what are parents’ biggest concerns? Paying for college is No. 1. After that, they worry about their children’...
Launched this year, the new program from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will award its first full scholarships to 300 students in 2018. The support will in...
With enrollment in public prekindergarten programs at a record high, there is a growing emphasis on building stronger connections between children’s early lea...
Despite high-profile scandals over cost and credentials, for-profit colleges attract hundreds of thousands of new students each year, enrolling an estimated 10 ...
From coast to coast, states are starting to decide how they will capitalize on a law that could usher in a new era of national education policy...
Ask a parent how their child is doing in school, and the parent may tell you how well they’re reading, or whether they agonize over addition and subtraction....
On a recent Friday morning, students in Kalee Barbis’ English class at Washington Leadership Academy work diligently on laptops as they sit under the high, va...