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Amid the dizzying crush of school improvement efforts — federal incentive grants, new regulations for teacher evaluations, proposals to raise state curriculum...
Center for Education Policy senior research assistant Alexandra Usher and consultant Nancy Kober spoke with EWA about their new report on research studying stud...
A poll released this week found that Latino voters place improving K-12 education above immigration as a top issue of concern in the upcoming presidential elect...
“Somewhere between a third and a half of high school graduates leave high school prepared with a reasonable chance to succeed in college,” according to one ...
Do your local school board members reflect the student demographics of the district they serve? In Pasadena, California, and in many districts across the countr...
Many Latino students’ dreams of pursuing a higher education will be threatened if student loan interest rates double as scheduled on July 1– and White House...
Parents in suburban Chicago have filed a federal discrimination lawsuit against the Elgin School District U-46, accusing the district of running a segregated gi...
Teachers often say they don’t do their jobs for the money, but surely financial incentives are a factor in just about any career decision....
Greg Toppo of USA Today closes out the Tomorrow’s Teachers session at EWA’s 65th National Seminar...