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News Explainers
This study, collaboration between Change the Equation and the American Institutes for Research, demonstrates that of 37 state science standards reviewed, only f...
School districts across the country are scrambling to adapt to the growing number of Latino students by hiring more Latino teachers and incorporating more cultu...
Smith was the data reporter for the L.A. Times’ controversial “Grading the Teachers” project, which ranked thousands of teachers (by name) using student t...
The Campaign for Grade-Level Reading represents the collaborative efforts of political, education, business and advocacy leaders to close the nation’s litera...
Five Questions For … Robert Schaeffer, Fair Test Public Education Director...
Pressure to work, high stress levels and lack of money for academic enrichment may contribute to lower education levels for the children of undocumented immigra...
A just-released book that highlights research on first-generation immigrant children and adolescents, including Latinos, shows that recent immigrant children ar...
Talia Milgrom-Elcott is a program officer in urban education with Carnegie Corporation of New York. She spoke with EWA about the new “100Kin10” initiative t...
In a recent column about the role of parental involvement in school, Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez took issue with a local school board’s practice o...