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With the Vergara v. California lawsuit shining a spotlight on teacher tenure, it’s easy to forget that for many places, tenure isn’t the issue. The bigger p...
In 2004, a group of four undocumented immigrant Latino high school students accomplished an astonishing achievement, they defeated students from the prestigious...
Even in a largely rural state, Latinos are quickly reshaping demographics...
More students are earning high school diplomas – but the diplomas don’t mean those students are ready to succeed in college....
This is a transcript of EWA’s webinar “Data Privacy Rules and Ruses” and has been edited for length and clarity...
When Baltimore County school officials wanted to move boundary lines in 2015, some parents predicted declining property values and voiced fears of sending their...
“One of the most demonstrative findings shows that students learn at different rates, and one size won’t fix all”, David Lubinski said....
Competitive colleges in the U.S. have an image problem: By many accounts, their student bodies are much whiter and richer than the general population...
The number of states in compliance with federal special education rules dropped from 38 to 15 after implementation of tougher regulations today, according to a ...