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About seven in 10 undergraduates are “nontraditional” students, according to the U.S. Department of Education, meaning they delayed starting college, have a job or children, or are attending part-time

Scott Jaschik, the editor and co-founder of Inside Higher Ed, shares his annual “what to watch” list for reporters covering postsecondary education

EWA is looking for its next class of Reporting Fellows – education journalists who receive up to $8,000 apiece to undertake in-depth projects on a wide range of topics

Swastikas scrawled on bathroom walls. A confederate flag hanging behind a teacher’s desk. Chants of “build the wall” aimed at Hispanic students

Small colleges struggling because of declining enrollment and tuition revenues face stark choices: If they can’t rebound, financial realities may force them to shut down

At a time of deep political polarization in the United States, how might journalists play a role in bridging the divide among Americans?
