Community Advisory Board

About the Community Advisory Board

The Community Advisory Board was created by the Education Writers Association Board of Directors to help steer the organization’s programs and services for nonjournalist members. The nine-member board is made up of communications professionals with wide-ranging backgrounds, including education reporting and editing.

The board provides input and feedback to the EWA staff and Board of Directors on future direction for membership services. Members also play a large role in shaping sessions tailored for Supporting Community Members at the annual EWA National Seminar.

2024-25 Community Advisory Board

Members of the advisory board are appointed by the president of the EWA Board of Directors and serve two-year terms. The EWA Community Advisory Board consists of several members from a mix of regional and national organizations.

Stephanie Germeraad

Daria L. Hall

Stephaan Harris
National Assessment Governing Board

Kimberly Hefling

Blair Mann
Data Quality Campaign

Dorie Turner Nolt
Dorie Turner Nolt Consulting

Ronald Reed

Patrick Riccards
Driving Force Institute

Lauren Roth
Orange County Public Schools
