Wayne Carter, a journalist, looks through a reporting notebook while sitting.

Journalists: Apply to Facilitate an EWA Caucus

If you are an active EWA journalist member and are interested in acting as a journalist caucus facilitator at the 2024 National Seminar in Las Vegas, apply here.

Photo credit: James Minichello of AASA for EWA (Wayne Carter/NBC 5)

Apply Here

The Education Writers Association’s journalist caucuses serve as invaluable opportunities for reporters to connect, collaborate, and engage in a community. 

Taking place at the 2024 National Seminar in Las Vegas, these sessions provide a platform for journalists to share insights, exchange ideas, and build professional relationships. Beyond the networking benefits, caucuses can also function as incubators for story ideas and offer a collaborative space where journalists can explore overlapping interests. Moreover, journalists participating in these caucuses can receive valuable support and guidance from peers. 

If you are an active EWA journalist member and are interested in acting as a facilitator for one of these in-person sessions, fill out the form. This volunteer opportunity will require your attendance at the 77th EWA National Seminar (apply for a scholarship now!) and a few hours of your time prior to the conference. EWA’s Membership Coordinator CD Davidson-Hiers can answer any additional questions and will be in touch to discuss your involvement further. 

Please note that the caucuses included in this application form do not include the entire list of caucuses to be hosted at the 77th EWA National Seminar. 
