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News Explainers

In wake of 2018 elections, more change is afoot in states....
But pushback on 'competency-based' approach serves as cautionary note...
The journalist Dale Russakoff kept hearing the same word in her conversations with Arizona teachers during a reporting trip last spring for The New York Times M...
Vouchers and voucher-like programs may grow in some states, face pushback elsewhere....
New data cast doubt on the connection between report card grades and academic achievement....
Empowering parents pays dividends for student learning, experts say....
When the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 5-4 ruling to prohibit public sector unions from collecting “agency” or “fair share” fees, some observers saw it as...
'Jeduca,' new association for Brazil's education journalists, kicks off...
Equity in education and the barriers to accomplishing it, from segregation to school funding to teacher quality, are the meat and potatoes of education reportin...