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As part of an effort to boost the number of Latinos graduating with degrees in the STEM fields four universities will use a new federal grant to bring together ...
During and after the 2016 presidential campaign, questions arose about whether shortcomings in civics instruction had exacerbated polarization in the electorate...
When it comes to arts education, geography matters. A student in the Northeast region of the United States is significantly more likely to attend a school with...
The campus has a purposeful design called DeafSpace, a concept pioneered at Gallaudet over a decade ago, which includes sensory reach, space and proximity, mobi...
Students at the MC2 STEM High School in Cleveland don’t sit through lectures all day. They learn through projects, like designing and building above-ground ga...
From room mom to PTA president, parents have long played an important and active part in their children’s schools. But increasingly, parents are taking on a n...
Tensions between charter schools and traditional public schools are a fact of life nationwide, but few places have seen the debate play out with higher stakes a...
While many high schools focus a lot of energy on getting students into college, admissions is only the first step....