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Free speech has once again become a highly charged issue on college campuses....
Plans to expand school choice from President Donald Trump may be generating a lot of attention — but they should be taken with a dose of political reality, an...
The first education secretary, former U.S. Court of Appeals Judge Shirley Hufstedler, was appointed by President Carter in the fall of 1979 and addressed EWA me...
So how do Latino parents judge the quality of their child’s school? The good old-fashioned way: by reviewing their child’s report card...
One nonprofit organization is determined to see more conservatives on student election ballots at colleges and universities across the country....
Ask the principal of any U.S. high school and they’ll likely tell you their goal is to graduate all of their students “college- or career-ready.”...
As Coastal Carolina University continues an investigation into its cheerleading team’s alleged work as strippers and escorts, administrators there are grappli...
They could be considered the new minority student. Difficult to find, harder to enroll, but offering a perspective that moved to the forefront in the last presi...
President Donald Trump’s plans to eliminate some big-tickets items in the federal education budget — such as aid for after-school and teacher quality progra...