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Reading and math scores for the nation’s 12th graders have stagnated since 2009, according to new data published today, prompting U.S. Secretary of Education ...
Since 2005, U.S. high school seniors have made slight gains in both their reading and math skills, according to new data released by the U.S. Department of Educ...
Amid the excitement over the news this week that the nation’s high school graduation rate has hit 80 percent for the first time, some important questions stil...
For the first time, more Latino than white California students have been offered admission to attend the University of California system as freshmen. ...
The states with the largest Latino populations don’t necessarily have the best track record for graduating Latinos from college, a new state-by-state analysis...
EWA recently held a seminar on STEM education and student skills at the University of Southern California. Today’s guest blogger is freelance education journa...
When the National Hispanic University opened in California in 1981, founder B. Roberto Cruz was frustrated about how few Latinos were enrolled in college....
EWA recently held a seminar on STEM education and student skills at the University of Southern California. Today’s guest blogger is Joe Robertson of the Kansa...
While some progress has been made in closing the STEM gaps, white males are still taking STEM classes and graduating with STEM degrees at a higher rate than mos...