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Journalists explained how they collected public documents and data to quantify alarming problems — the teacher shortage in Arizona and sexual abuse suffered b...
As part of an October EWA seminar on the teaching profession, a group of journalists traveled to the Woodlawn campus of the UChicago charter schools network, to...
The alarming rise in college students seeking mental health services at campus counseling centers has garnered plenty of headlines in the last few years....
What was the big takeaway for education in the 2018 elections? Sorry if this disappoints, but there just doesn’t appear to be a clear, simple story to tell. I...
Education Week survey, national polls offer insights into young voters....
There is growing interest in the role schools can and should play in fostering social and emotional learning....
Shifting humanities landscape should raise questions for education journalists....
Visiting a classroom while reporting on education issues is a core part of understanding how instruction takes place. But it can also be a missed opportunity, w...
Journalists from across the Great Lakes region and the U.S. gathered in Chicago Oct. 18-19 to learn more about the teaching profession during a time of transiti...