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At the age of nine, Amalio Nieves saw his father die from gun violence in Chicago. And as a child, Nieves himself was robbed at gunpoint....
Paying students not to work and introducing psychology surveys are some of the actions...
When it comes to making prekindergarten available to all children, the question for policymakers is not whether it’s a good idea or not. The issue is whether ...
An affordable college education. Politicians and bus stop ads promise it, students and parents dream of it. But can anyone define it?...
The more selective the institution, the higher the graduation rate for Latino students, a new study by Excelencia in Education shows...
While DACA has been a game-changer for undocumented students, that’s not the whole story, stressed four young organizers involved in immigrant rights advocacy...
Combining academic and career classes is key to the School of Business and Tourism. It shares this approach with other schools in California’s Linked Learning...
Seventy percent of the students at Verbum Dei are Latino, and 30 percent are black, NBC4 News reports. Many come from troubled neighborhoods with high poverty a...
For every savant who’s skilled enough to ditch class and still ace the course, many more who miss school fall way behind, increasing their odds of dropping ou...