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A new report offers an unprecedented look at the testing load in large urban districts across the nation, finding considerable redundancy and a lack of coordina...
Students in public schools are eating healthier cafeteria meals made from an increasing array of locally sourced food, according to new federal data from the U....
In recent years, the United States has seen overall enrollment declines in the numbers of students seeking postsecondary degrees....
International business is a popular college major among Hispanic college students in the United States, and it’s also a semi-lucrative one, a new set of repor...
Students who transfer between colleges and universities on their path to achieve a college degree often encounter obstacles – barriers, like lost credits, tha...
Public school parents generally support standardized testing but think there’s too much of it, according to a new from Education Post, a nonprofit communicati...
Latino children enter kindergarten with socioemotional skills that are on par and sometimes even better than their non-Latino peers’ abilities....
Children don’t have to lose one language to learn another language. That’s the theory behind dual-language programs, which are replacing traditional English...
Long mocked for its inedibility, campus cafeteria food is undergoing a federally mandated transformation, and schools are realizing it’s going to take more th...