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Campaign finance might seem like the exclusive province of political reporters, but there are many good reasons why you should be paying attention – both in r...
“For decades, whenever you mention the word ‘education’ next to the word ‘Latino,’ the news that follows or the information that follows is not the mo...
In 2011, researchers at Texas A&M University found that black and Latino students, were twice as likely to receive an out-of-school suspension for their first o...
For new teachers, the first few years on the job can present a steep learning curve...
Amid the strong and growing drumbeat of complaints about overtesting at the K-12 level, many education reporters and others may be left wondering how much time ...
Students at a Pennsylvania high school are getting a real-life lesson in the power of the press – and the many shades of gray that come with First Amendment p...
Where are the Hispanics in Silicon Valley? Many are part of the area’s “invisible workforce” — cleaning and guarding buildings for companies primarily m...
A study published Monday and reported on by the Los Angeles Times argues that inherited traits play an outsize role in how students perform on a compulsory exam...
Declining enrollment and sudden growth spurts come with their own challenges. In both cases, a little foresight can go a long way. ...