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If you’re an inmate in Illinois, what educational programs are available to help you get your life back on track? That’s the question public radio reporter Lee Gaines set out to answer in an ongoing series
What’s in a name? That’s an increasingly complex question for communities with public schools named after segregationist politicians
Given the string of teacher strikes over the past year, a question for education reporters to consider is: Could your district or state be next?
New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio wants to scrap the entrance exam that determines whether students gain admission to eight specialized public high schools in the city
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos shows no signs she’s contemplating stepping down before the president’s first term ends
Ever wonder what happened to your high school’s valedictorian after graduation? So did The Boston Globe, which set off to track down the city’s top students from the classes of 2005-07