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Hackers target everything from employee payroll accounts to student records, and demand ransom in exchange for not taking advantage of sensitive information
The public education system in Puerto Rico was already struggling before two historic hurricanes — Irma and Maria — wreaked havoc on this U.S. territory
Amanda Ripley recently traveled instead to the Middle East to get underneath some surprising data about gender gaps in a recent story for The Atlantic
A new radio documentary by APM Reports concludes that American schools are failing to use proven methods for helping dyslexic students learn to read
Despite a five-month fight by the school district to withhold relevant documents, Barnes uncovered a paper trail showing numerous red flags, plus first-person accounts from students of the teacher’s lewd behavior
Emmanuel Felton argues that the federal government has substantially abandoned Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision which struck down the doctrine of “separate but equal” education