Educated Reporter
Read practical advice from EWA staffers and guest journalists from around the United States about all things education.
Educated Reporter
Journalists from across the Great Lakes region and the U.S. gathered in Chicago Oct. 18-19 to learn more about the teaching profession during a time of transiti...
Federal education officials say they want to help students make more informed decisions about where to go to school, what college will cost, and what return on ...
While the election cycle spotlight typically focuses on state and federal movers and shakers, the outcomes of local school board races this fall could shake up ...
It’s hard to overstate the potential implications for education in the 2018 elections. The reasons have less to do with the high-profile battle for control of...
As states prepare for new ESSA reporting requirements, advocates push for accountability, raising family awareness....
New polls shed light on public attitudes toward public schools, declining enthusiasm for teaching profession...
For decades, most efforts to improve opportunities for high-needs students have resembled snowflakes; they come down from above, are completely different from e...
As charter school enrollment grows, researchers disagree on extent of financial impact and who's to blame....
Broward County School Board wants Sun Sentinel reporters held in contempt for publishing redacted details....