Educated Reporter

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Educated Reporter

News organizations across the country started requesting information about a U.S. Department of Defense program that provided police departments with defense eq...
While universities have come under increased scrutiny for rising costs, they’re still the best tickets future workers have to securing long-term financial sta...
Bill Gates became intrigued with the idea of creating a more accessible and engaging, high school world history curriculum after watching a series of videos fea...
In a new report, researchers say they found a link between higher rates of student absenteeism and lower scores in reading and mathematics on a nationwide exam....
A new round of opposition to planned changes in how high schools teach U.S. history is conjuring up its own echoes of the past....
New approaches to dropout prevention was the focus of a discussion panel at EWA’s 67th National Seminar, held in May at Vanderbilt University in Chicago....
PolitiFact fact-checked an Internet meme claim that a summer of minimum wage work in 1978 would generate enough income to pay for one year of university tuition...
Can the quality of a charter school be determined by the entity providing the authorization?...
Are fourth graders computer-savvy enough to have their writing skills measured in an online assessment?...