
Experienced beat reporters wrote, researched and provided a range of resources to help their fellow education reporters and communicators cover the most pressing issues today.

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The content taught in American classrooms has been in the spotlight for years, particularly as researchers have shown what a difference a quality curriculum c...
As the U.S. population grows more diverse, it's impossible to tell the story of American education without considering the many ways our schools and colleges ar...
Online education was once hyped as a silver bullet for revolutionizing education, providing broad access to high-quality learning tools to all regions and bring...
Expanding knowledge on how young children learn, combined with an array of early education models, means reporters also cover the different settings in which c...
The intensive focus in public schools on boosting achievement in core subjects has sparked concerns that the U.S. education system is neglecting an important re...
The modern U.S. school system was created in the 19th century with the intention of educating the masses, not just the privileged or religious elite...
While states and local school districts control day-to-day operations in classrooms and provide most of the funding to schools, the federal government’s impor...
Financial aid describes the money that the federal government, state or municipal programs, colleges, private foundations and individual companies give to stude...
Money matters. That’s the conclusion of a growing number of studies on how to improve the academic outcomes of America’s public school students. And it’s ...