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News Explainers

The ACLU of Nevada has announced that it will challenge the state’s new, high-profile “education savings account” law...
Getting a read on the American public’s views on education is no easy task, made more complicated by just how much local schools vary...
A decade after the floodwaters of Hurricane Katrina ravaged New Orleans, the city continues its struggle to recover. Most of the local public schools were repla...
Latino professors from universities across the country give incoming college freshmen advice in a recent post on NBC News Latino...
The 53.5 million K-12 students heading to the classrooms in America’s public, charter and private schools this fall are more racially diverse than ever before...
Researchers find evidence of systematic biases in teachers’ expectations for the educational attainment of black students...
For the first time, the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is urging education policymakers to start middle and high school classes later in the...
More than 2,000 sophomores and juniors at two high schools in Indiana, not far from the Kentucky border, will have their textbooks replaced with iPads this scho...
This summer, native Spanish-speaking immigrant students in Los Angeles participated in a five-week pilot program testing a new algebra curriculum aligned with t...