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A Latino civil rights organization has filed a lawsuit against the state of New Mexico, alleging that its public school system is denying students from low-inco...
State-by-State Policies and Requirements....
New York City may be renown as a melting pot, but a new study reveals that the city’s schools are not the picture of diversity....
“Providence Talks” aims to close the language gap that exists between wealthy and poor children before they even begin preschool...
When it comes to the decisions that most directly affect the business of public education and what happens in classrooms, few people are as influential – and ...
Several reports dropped this week about the difficulties community college students face transferring into a four-year college....
The third installment of the Brown Center Report on Public Education is out from the Brookings Institution, and author Tom Loveless provides plenty of food for ...
Some south Texas teachers are campaigning for the creation of a Mexican American Studies curriculum to be taught in the state’s public schools...
EWA recently hosted a seminar in New Orleans on early childhood education. We asked some of the journalists who attended to contribute posts from the sessions....