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Do charter schools really outperform traditional public schools? Is any such comparison skewed by the caliber of students who attend charters and their district...
As the movement to protect immigrants, both documented and undocumented, grows in the early days of President Trump’s administration, at least 30 colleges and...
Students, parents and taxpayers want to know now more than ever if college is worth it. ...
At Summit Public Schools campuses, you won’t see PowerPoint lectures on “Antigone” in English class or witness lofty explanations of the Pythagorean theor...
In the contentious debates over what is a good school, parents are frequently pitted against public officials. The stakes are especially high for charter school...
Schools across the country took a hit in attendance Thursday as immigrant children joined nationwide protests intended to demonstrate what life would be like wi...
At 10 years old, Audrey Campos is the one who helps her 18-year-old cousin communicate with their grandparents. Unlike her cousin, Audrey speaks Spanish....
The presidential election pushed grassroots proposals to make public college free into the mainstream. But should these plans stay there? And if so, in what fo...
A new report finds that state funding for higher education continues to show growth overall, but each state has its own tale to tell, particularly those that ar...