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Black and Latino teachers may be minorities in the U.S. educator workforce, but a new study finds they also may be the most effective — at least according to ...
At Arizona State University, it’s often about “the entrepreneurial mindset,” as Sethuraman Panchanathan put it, who helps lead the university’s research...
The Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit Excelencia in Education has released its annual list of college programs and community groups that are effectively supporti...
The best data are often the hardest to parse. Sure, a neat snapshot of three or four variables is easy on the eyes, but to really dig deep and find important an...
The number of Hispanic students enrolled in charter schools is growing, as is support for school choice among Hispanic parents, a new report by the National All...
“A bad attitude is like a bad tire: You can’t go anywhere until you change it,” Arizona State University sophomore Ricardo Nieland told a roomful of journ...
ASU President Michael Crow with his thoughts on faculty diversity....
Will education get more than a passing reference in tonight’s first presidential debate? We shall see....
“The Super School Project was born out of the conviction and commitment that every child from every background has a right to a quality education that prepare...