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Jaim Escalante championed AP classes for all who promised to work hard – regardless of their GPA, and in 1987, 26 percent of all Mexican-American students in ...
Student data privacy is an increasingly high-profile — and controversial — issue that touches schools and families across the country....
New Lens on Learning: The Hidden Value of Motivation, Grit and Engagement...
For more of reporters’ favorite stories of the year, check out the #bested15 hashtag on Twitter....
New Lens on Learning: The Hidden Value of Motivation, Grit and Engagement...
New Lens on Learning: The Hidden Value of Motivation, Grit and Engagement...
Chung-Te Wang had never seen a calculator in school before traveling to the U.S. this year as an exchange student....
With most schools closed until after the New Year, the holidays can be a dry spell on the education beat....
Can a longer school day help students who are learning English grasp the language faster and better? A new report from the National Center on Time and Learning ...