How to Cover the Story

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How to Cover the Story

Ask followup questions, add context and use the "R" word carefully.....
By asking the five Ws, journalists can identify the fine print in College Promise programs....
Five Questions to Ask on Child Care, Pre-K, and Kindergarten Proposals...
It’s time for education reporters to take back coverage of school funding....
A baby bust is forcing newsworthy changes to college admissions....
Rural schools often get short shrift in the national dialogue on improving education and addressing achievement gaps, whether it’s policy debates, research, o...
Get the legalities right, put the data in context, and do followup....
Recent work by journalists Erica Green, Jason Gonzales and Matthew Kauffman shows the importance of digging into the best-laid plans of a school district or sta...
Some Philadelphia students were literally being poisoned at school and investigators documented the district’s failures to address the harmful conditions in i...