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Tensions between charter schools and traditional public schools are a fact of life nationwide, but few places have seen the debate play out with higher stakes a...
Education reporters can expect to hear a lot more about school choice over the next four to eight years. U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is a longtime c...
While many high schools focus a lot of energy on getting students into college, admissions is only the first step....
The nation’s public schools are serving increasingly diverse populations of students, yet the teachers in those schools are mostly white....
Days after Donald Trump won the White House, the Brookings Institution published an essay suggesting the 2016 presidential election should serve as a “Sputnik...
When it comes to their children’s education, what are parents’ biggest concerns? Paying for college is No. 1. After that, they worry about their children’...
Launched this year, the new program from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation will award its first full scholarships to 300 students in 2018. The support will in...
With enrollment in public prekindergarten programs at a record high, there is a growing emphasis on building stronger connections between children’s early lea...
Tired of interviewing the same people? Keith Woods, the vice president of newsroom training and diversity at NPR, has an antidote for you: Reach out beyond the ...