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The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics has launched a digital campaign to highlight the impact of Latino teachers and hopefully to a...
As tuitions swell and student loan debt climbs further, one aspect of higher education that has been overlooked is the recipe required to transform a college ed...
The United States government needs a Department of Talent to coordinate its education, labor and immigration agencies, the head of one of the nation’s largest...
Discipline practices thought to disproportionately affect students of color have been at the center of debates across the country...
When a group of Harvard educators surveyed ninth-grade teachers and their students during a recent experiment, they found students who had common interests with...
Nationally, the number of minority teachers is increasing, but it’s not keeping pace with student demographics, concludes a new report issued by a union-affil...
New details on Common Core-aligned assessments came to light yesterday, as officials with one of the state testing consortia shared information on cut scores...
Fewer options for preschool, inexperienced teachers and low-performing schools are just some of the disadvantages children of immigrants face early in their edu...
Persistent childhood poverty—living below the federal poverty level for at least half of one’s childhood—is also prevalent, particularly among black child...