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“Think about Detroit: When you first come in as a new teacher, you might notice all the things that are not here, but then think of all the things that are he...
On a recent Wednesday morning, 11th-grader Sophia Wellington took to the undersized stage at the front of her high school gym and with seamless poise demonstrat...
Nearly 10 percent of K-12 students in the United States are not native English speakers. That’s 4.4 million children enrolled in school who have been identifi...
For education reporters looking for story ideas, talking to teachers is a smart place to start....
As millions of immigrants waited for President Barack Obama to shed light on their future Thursday, educators, too, had a stake in the conversation....
Here’s a counter-intuitive argument: The United States should spend more money on standardized tests....
Fewer than half of Hispanic students who took the ACT this year met the college readiness benchmarks in math or science, but those who actually expressed intere...
EWA is in Northern California this week for our journalists-only seminar on assessments...
Since early November, American universities have entered the pool of applicants competing for federal funds to serve Hispanic students better....