Educated Reporter

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Educated Reporter

Next up at EwaGlobal: reporters do TIMSS & PISA test items...
One question that often comes up during state legislative sessions is whether it’s a waste of money to increase educational spending in large urban areas with...
The transformative potential in growth mindsets and social-emotional skills such as grit may be more applicable to students whose basic needs are already met....
A growth mindset is “the belief that you can develop your abilities”, according to Carol Dweck....
About a third of the students who started college in 2009 have since dropped out, joining the millions of young adults who never entered college in the first pl...
In Finland you’re not supposed to wonder — let alone ask out loud — if one school is better than another. That’s because all Finnish schools are designe...
As reporters, we often take it for granted when we visit a high-poverty school that it will be surrounded by a similarly struggling neighborhood....
Predicting teacher “shortages,” evidently, is much like forecasting the apocalypse. It’s best to go into the enterprise with a flexible time frame...
There was plenty of levity on Twitter in the wake of Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio’s declaration that “we need more welders, less philosophe...