Educated Reporter
Read practical advice from EWA staffers and guest journalists from around the United States about all things education.
Educated Reporter
The United States spent $600 billion to fund public education in the nation’s K-12 schools in 2011, according to a new report released by the U.S. Department ...
The United States has a gifted and talented student problem: Mainly, too few of the nation’s students score high on domestic and international assessments, an...
For the policy wonks and advocates hoping for more than a passing mention of K-12 education in President Obama’s State of the Union, it was a long 59 minutes....
Today is a federal holiday, which means offices and schools are closed in Washington, D.C., as well as many other parts of the country. But it’s not an automa...
In a union vote Wednesday, Boston teachers approved the school district’s plan to add 40 minutes to the K-8 instructional day at more than 50 campuses....
School districts aren’t allowed to discriminate based on a student’s race, color or national origin...
It’s time for my annual roundup of the year’s most popular posts on The Educated Reporter....
For education beat reporters looking for story ideas next week, I wanted to offer a couple of suggestions....
Games might provide a better way for teachers to figure out what students know....