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The school improvement spotlight has, in recent years, shone brightly on teachers. Just outside of the spotlight, yet wielding significant influence in schools,...
Educators have been wading through a sea of conflicting messages from President Trump’s administration about undocumented immigrants, trying to figure out how...
During a graduation season when congratulations are the usual fare, regret instead was the main course during an Education Writers Association seminar session a...
Mikey Peterson didn’t care about class for most of his time in school. And he felt that his teachers, for the most part, did nothing to help....
Nick Anderson didn’t have to be asked twice to get on a train to New York City....
To some, Head Start is an essential yet underfunded part of the education system. To others, it’s a classic example of a bloated federal program...
With President Trump’s proposed federal budget calling for cuts in after-school programing, the nonprofit advocacy group Afterschool Alliance released an issu...
Kentucky Commissioner of Education Stephen Pruitt recently said his state is developing a system that “blurs the lines between career and technical education ...
The rapid improvement over the past decade in Washington, D.C.’s district-run schools — as measured by rising test scores and graduation rates — has drawn...